Thursday, 20 December 2012

Perception of university students about annual system and semester system


Academic concerns have now become an extensive debate for understanding the concept of enhanced academic quality. Educators and higher authorities are always trying to devise new ideas and explore several options for making education as effective as possible in terms of outcomes. Outcomes in an academic set up means achievement of overall excellence in terms of results.
This research is an analysis of the focus group discussion that we conducted in University of Gujrat. This research aims to investigate and present a comparative analysis of annual and semester system which one is the best one.
In order to compare the semester and annual system the researcher has taken into account the qualities, advantages and disadvantages of both the systems. Annual system has been a successful system for our education in the past. However there were many loopholes in the system. This research talks about the possibilities of comparing the two systems as well as finding out which one is better to ensure quality for the students.
Perception of university students about annual system and semester system
Review of the Literature:
Rana Muhammad Dilshad in 2004 on Students' Perceptions about the Quality of Semester System and Annual System. Researcher use multi stage ram dam sampling. The study concludes that semester system is better as compare to annual system.
Tayyaba Malik & Tahira Khanam in 2010 on Comparative analysis of MA English Results under Annual and Semester system: Quality Assurance in Pakistan. Researcher use Focus group discussion. The study concludes that the students from semester system have good results as compare to annual system.
Our topic is perception of the university students about annual system and semester system. First of all we took appointment from the students of different departments and from the different age groups. As we want take the perception of the university students about the system of examination. So we conduct a focus group discussion to take the perception of the university students.
We used tape recorder and writing materials to pinpoint their discussion. After that we coded their arguments and then analyzed them.
In order to take the perception of the students we developed themes of the topic and after that we conducted a focus group discussion according to those themes. Our focus group was comprises on 9 members. We were 5 group members. One of us adopted the role of moderator, one of us was taping the discussion, and two were writing the discussion and was taking their snaps. After collecting the information we pinpoint them and analyzed.
According to our themes the major findings of the study are;
Confidence Level:
We started our focus group discussion with confidence level. When we asked them about the of confidence level, 5 from the 9 respondents replied that semester system provide a lot of confidence. As one respondent asked that;
"When I got admission in the university, I was unable to speak with strangers but now I don't hesitate."
So from their discussion it is clear that semester system is more reliable in the increasing the confidence of the students as compare to the annual system.
Communications Skills:
Communications skill is an art. Without getting proficiency on communication, nobody can convey his message. In this way communication skill is very necessary for surviving the society. So, when we asked them about the improvement in the communications skills in the annual and semester system. 6 respondents were in the favor of semester system. They argued that;
"The semester system presentations processes improve their communication skills".
So the findings suggest that semester system is very convenient method for improving the communication skills of the students as compare to the annual system.
Relationship with Teachers:
Teachers and students relation have also an important role the learning of the students. On asking about the students and teachers relations, 8 respondents were in the favor semester system, they argued that;
"In the semester system teachers and students have very close relationship because teachers have to provide material for the study, in these way students and teachers have very close ties among them".
So it is clear from the findings that semester system is very beneficial for creating a strong relationship among teachers and students.
Learning Chances:
When we asked from our respondents about the learning chances in the both systems, 7 respondents were in the favor of semester system. They argued that;
"In the semester system the different parts of examination (assignments, presentations, quizzes and midterm) provide more chances for the learning".
Findings suggest that semester system provides more chances of learning as compare to the annual system.
Perception of university students about annual system and semester system
On asking about the favoritism in the examination 7 respondents were in the favor of semester system, they argued that;
"In the semester teachers room interaction count very much".
So in this way we can conclude that most respondents were in the favor of annual system as compare to the semester system.

Sr.#ThemesAnnual SystemSemester systemTotal
1Confidence Level040509
2Communications Skills030609
3Relationship with Teachers010809
4Learning Chances020709

Both the education systems, i.e., semester and annual have their weak and strong presentation skills. However the annual system gives an opportunity to develop through concepts and in depth study of texts. In this system students get ample time to mastery over the subjects. Smooth running of the semester system means being careful about timelines and constraints of concepts that can be comprehended in a concise manner. It trains the students through a process of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. For cognitive learning semester system moves to the higher level of learning and student is evaluated on both intellectual and behavioral grounds. Check and balance system can facilitate the learners with the full benefit of the system. Teacher training can help both the semester and annual systems to assure quality.
In this study we conclude that 55.55% respondent in the favored that semester system increase their confidence level and 44.45% were disagree with this argument and 66.66% respondent is in the favor that semester system increase their communication skills, while 88.88 % respondents were stressed that semester system increase the relationship between teachers and students. 77.77% respondents have believed that semester system increase their learning process, while only 22.23 % respondents argue that semester system grading based on favoritism.


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